Those of you who know me in, I may act a little... strange sometimes. I may have a sudden fascination with a magnetic paperclip holder. I may stop mid-sentence, enraptured by a small sparrow tugging on a fallen french fry. And Calculus does
NOT turn me on. *shifty eyes*
But that's nothing compared to my dreams. You wanna see something really messed up? Take a trip through my subconscious. You'll find alien dinosaurs, drunken aliigators, heavily makeup-ed talking oak trees, swimming pools at McDonald's, the Thruway closed except to snow tube traffic, and The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, in its enirety, taking place in a bookstore (I killed a troll by throwing children's books, the corners stuck into him like ninja stars).
Until now, you couldn't experience this marvellous chaos (unless I talked to you frequently). And even then some people got different bit and pieces that I would suddenly remember, or miss other dreams entirely. But now, now I present to unto you all, even the stalkers and the people I don't know, my dreams as best I can recall them.
Now, I don't dream every night. It tends to come in bursts; sometimes six nights in a row, sometimes no dreams for a month. If it's been a while I'll try to keep you interested by regailing a tale of bygone years, which I will be sure to note as a "Bygone Dream". Eventually I'll run out though, so please don't get mad if I haven't had anything up in a while.
Well, I guess that's about it. Tune in later, I'll have my latest dream from last night up soon!
Goodnight and happy dreaming,