Monday, August 10, 2009

Sabriel, plus COGs raiding Ayleid ruins

An interesting one last night... may have actually been two dreams, with the middle bit as hazy as it was.

Started out with a gray cat, who it turns out was Mogget. Mogget was injured and desperately needed to get to Sabriel, who was across the wall (we were presumably in Ancelstierre). Sabriel was at RIT, which was presumably in the Old Kingdom. I put Mogget into a handbag and boarded a bus about 60 miles from the Wall, but being a source of Free Magic in himself, I couldn't get him too close to the bus engine or it would stall. So we sat near the front. We crossed at the Crossing Point, which was a crumbly hole in a gray-concrete brick Wall staffed by around 4 police officers. Night was approaching and cars (? don' worry about it) were fleeing the old kingdom like swine flu had been spotted there. I inquired why to the policewoman checking my crossing papers and Charter Mark (oh BTW I was a Charter Mage, didn't seem relevant for the dream to inform me of this until now, though I wasn't surprised so I guess I always had been). She informed me that nobody went out in the Old Kingdom at night, and I was crazy for even going and was going to be accosted by the Dead. I told her I was going to the Abhorsen's, so she let me through finally.

Then we were back on the bus? Which, when we were attacked by missiles and possibly lasers from above, turned into a plane exactly like the bus but with wings and a propeller on the front. So we were flying, but we weren't going to make it to RIT/Sabriel, the plane was too damaged. So a small cargo plane provided by the Belisaere Air Guard (?) came alongside and we were trying to transfer passengers to that. Mogget at this time was in a glass bottle which I handed off to a young soldier on the other plane in preparation for my jump to it. But as soon as Mogget entered the plane the engine stalled, and it went down. And the bus-plane went down too, but it wasn't very high so there were no casualties... but we did land in a tree next to a fence and sign I recognized as within the London Zoo (to which I have never been, nor seen pictures of. It just was. Is there even a London Zoo?)

So we went looking for the cargo plane's wreckage, hoping similarly the others (esp. Mogget) had survived. But we stumbled across RIT, where it was raining and dark and mostly flooded. And I think Potter was having a party for the CSHers left overnight in the Old Kingdom at his apartment, which was somewhere in the vicinity of Gracies... but everything was dark, damp, and there was wood paneling everywhere.

Eventually I found myself dressed like a COG from Gears of War, fighting Locust to get into an Ayleid ruin (which would be from Oblivion). The Locust AI was mostly dumb, which my fellow COGs and I commented on. We finally got into the ruin and fought off an onslaught of Nether Lichs and Greater Wraiths (which were Wraiths with graduation hats) and there was something about an asian chick... I'm not sure if she was a ghost or a fellow COG, everything got kind of hazy. If I remember, I'll update.

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